Below are our top 10 tips for completing your Celebrate Clay application.
Fill in every blank or designate n/a if a section is not applicable.
This is an awards program to recognize outstanding projects completed or started in 2024. Please tell us about your 2024 accomplishments.
Use descriptive examples in your narrative
(section III) such as a story of an individual, family, senior,
youth, veteran, animal, resource, etc. whom
your organization impacted.
Explain any deficits in your 2024 operating results.
If you are applying for a Volunteer of the Year Award
only one volunteer per organization may be
nominated (multiple volunteer nominations from the
same organization will not be accepted).
Type your application if possible. Otherwise, please
print legibly in black or blue ink.
Remember to complete your project impact on
Clay County and 1-2 page narrative in section III.
We recommend a combination of data and anecdotal stories.
If you email your completed application,
please call Amy at 269-5857 ext. 404 to confirm
she received your application.
Make sure you provide us with the correct
information on your 501(c) 3 IRS exempt status.
Please see proof of your 501 (c) 3
for details.
Submit your application by the deadline,
Friday, January 31, 2025.