Investing in the future of clay county

a family foundation

The Paul E. and Klare N. Reinhold Foundation, Inc. is a family foundation, founded by Paul and Klare Reinhold in 1954. The Foundation, through its grants programs, supports nonprofit organizations that serve Clay County – the community that provided such a fulfilling life for its founders. Principal among these programs are the Celebrate Clay Community Service Awards and the Nonprofit Leadership Development and Capacity Building Initiatives.

Celebrate Clay

Celebrate Clay is the Foundation’s annual community service awards program to promote and reward outstanding community services during the awards ceremony. Organizations and individuals are recognized for their meaningful contributions to the residents of Clay County.

Leadership initiative

The Foundation’s Leadership Development Initiatives focus on strengthening the nonprofit sector by providing nonprofit leadership development training to organizations that serve Clay County.

directory of services

The Clay County Directory of Nonprofit Services is designed to be a quick reference tool to help community residents and agencies locate the services they need. It also serves to enable nonprofits to network more effectively.

Annual “Celebrate Clay” Community Service Awards

The Paul E. and Klare N. Reinhold Foundation, Inc. will host its annual Celebrate Clay Community Service Awards on April 22, 2025. 

For more information, call Amy Parker, 904-269-5857